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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 上海市 浦东新区 闵行区莘浜路280号
  • 姓名: 牛亚杰
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


  • 所属行业:商务服务 货运公司/代理
  • 发布日期:2019-12-05
  • 阅读量:192
  • 价格:11.00 元/1 起
  • 产品规格:冰淇淋进口报关公司
  • 产品数量:1.00 1
  • 包装说明:1
  • 发货地址:上海浦东  
  • 关键词:冰淇淋进口报关公司


      Summer is coming, more and more import traders in imported juice drinks, mineral water and so on, for now the consumer market consumption situation, we can see that the imported goods increasingly touted by consumers, from 2016 the customs data can be seen, the ice cream import growth, imports are expected in 2018 will be ice cream even higher than in 2016 27%, the survey results can be seen from the market, the sales season is not only the summer ice cream, the consumer for the FMCG season is outstanding.
      Import declaration information on ice cream import:
      1: official certificate of origin 2: health certificate for Chinese dairy products 3: producer list 4: product inspection report of producer
      5: production date: 6 that a copy of the original packaging labels in the proofs, English label samples of three copies
      Customer question: there are many kinds of ice cream. How to determine what information is needed for the imported ice cream in the end?
      Our solution: according to the composition and label of the product, we need to confirm the HS code. Why? So why is it possible that an imported ice cream product does not contain dairy products and so on? It should be determined according to the actual goods.
      When shipping abroad, a temperature device is usually placed at the door of the container to ensure that each step can be seen at how many temperatures to be traced for each step. But we need to pay special attention to in the process of cold storage labeling, because workers in 10 degrees of environmental labeling many people are reluctant to usually labeling in the freezer, ice cream is easy to melt, cooperation in the choice of agents must also ask whether the formal specification for frozen, that experienced formal cooperation so when the logistics and distribution of the The loss outweighs the gain., there must be someone to follow the fleet transport matters, some drivers to rest halfway process will close the refrigeration, so Z good person to follow up, so that each link has a person to follow up quality assurance, welcome to inquire.
      Wan Xiang supply chain service port branch: Shanghai (Headquarters), Dalian Port, Tianjin port, Qingdao port, Beijing airport, Ningbo port, Guangzhou port, Xiamen port, Shenzhen port, Chengdu airport, Chengdu and so on, welcome to consult and discuss with you.( 牛先生  Noble  187-1781-1518)
      1:官方原产地证书 2:输华乳制品卫生证书 3:生产商成份列表 4:生产商产品检验报告
      5:生产日期证明 6:原包装标签样张一份,中英文标签样张三份
      万享供应链服务港口分公司:上海(总部)、大连港、天津港、青岛港、北京机场、宁波港、广州港、厦门港、深圳港、成都机场、武汉等欢迎咨询洽谈。( 牛先生  Noble  187-1781-1518)

    欢迎来到上海康驰国际贸易有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市浦东新区闵行区莘浜路280号,老板是1。 主要经营万享供应链管理(上海)有限公司弘扬“专注-专业”精神。在行业内首先提出“专注于进口”创新理念,把智慧和资源凝聚到“**进口门到门”服务上,较大限度地优化进口物流供应链方案,服务贯穿整个国际贸易流程:一般贸易代理、国际贸易结算、进口物流配送、专业进口清关、完税货物仓储、进口单证办理。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 你有什么需要?我们都可以帮你一一解决!我们公司主要的特色服务是:食品进口报关公司,旧设备进口报关公司,汽车进口报关公司,**门到门,危险品进口公司等,“诚信”是我们立足之本,“创新”是我们生存之源,“便捷”是我们努力的方向,用户的满意是我们较大的收益、用户的信赖是我们较大的成果。